April 14, 2024
Mount Vernon, WA

Jocelyn & Kaynen


Kaynen Lathrop


Jocelyn Gimpel

April 14, 2024

Mount Vernon, WA

Our First Date

Kaynen asked Jocelyn out to a fancy restaurant called Lombardi's on October 15, 2020. She had never been before and was very impressed at the idea of a fancy restaurant for a first date. After eating a delicious meal, Kaynen took Jocelyn out to the pier. It was dark so the pier was lit up by several lights that lined each side. They talked for a while and made their plan to go to the pumpkin patch for their second date.

The Proposal


Kaynen made reservations back at Lombardi's one night, telling Jocelyn it was just an impromptu date night. She had no idea! They parked up from the restaurant where they could walk and look at the christmas lights on Grand Ave. They then walked down a lights bridge and pathway down to the restaurant. They ate their dinner and went out to the pier as they always do, admiring the lighted docks. Kaynen said he had to go grab something from the car, Jocelyn thought it was just flowers or a coat! Kaynen came back and got on one knee, as Cady, her sister, rounded the corner recording it all. Of course she said yes!


Your presence is present enough! However, if you would like to give a gift, we are registered at Amazon, Target, and right here on Zola. We will also have a gift table and card box on the wedding day. Thank you!

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