We're looking forward to seeing all of you on our special day. Please see Wedding Day details.
We're looking forward to seeing all of you on our special day. Please see Wedding Day details.
    The Big Day

We are so excited to have you join us for a match made in heaven

Jinga Mathews


Kenneth Harper


Orland Park


October 8


The Beginning

The Summer of 2002

On one summer day in 2002 in downtown Chicago on State Street, we both were separately enjoying our lunch breaks. As I’m (Jinga) walking, I see this tall friendly man walk up to me and say “Hello, my name is Ken and you are sooo beautiful.” Looking at him weirdly, I said hi I’m Jinga! Then we went our separate ways. Lo and behold, every time I took a lunch break on State street, Ken would notice me and embrace with a hello beautiful and kiss on the cheek. During this time, he never asked me for my phone number. Fast forward to a few years later, I found out that I went to high school with his sister Octavia. I said girl, he use to be so irritating…lol. Then in 2019, I made prom flowers for Octavia’s daughter and guess who was there? Yep, Ken. So we greeted one another, talked about where we were in life. We both were in troubled marriages and as we both shared what we were going through, my attraction for him grew from irritation to wanting to give him my number. But I said nope Jinga…work on your marriage. Quiet as kept, I think he was feeling the same way. So went our separate ways once again. Then on a cold Saturday evening in January 2022, Octavia has a birthday party at her home. I’m there chillin’ and in walks Ken. Heeeey!!! We hug one another and this man gets right to the questions. Ken: “Are you still married?” Jinga: Nope, I got divorced in September of 2020. What about you? Ken: I will be divorced on Monday morning at 11:30am! ****I started hand clapping and jumping up and down in my mind**** Then we moved to a quiet area where we can talk and then the man finally asked me for my phone number! Yeeesssss! And here we are today! ❤️💍❤️💍❤️ Stay Tuned for more….

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