Our wedding registry is now updated! Thank you in advance! https://www.amazon.com/wedding/chrystina-kim-jae-jun-san-diego-july-2022/registry/3G4KP7L8OSEPE
Our wedding registry is now updated! Thank you in advance! https://www.amazon.com/wedding/chrystina-kim-jae-jun-san-diego-july-2022/registry/3G4KP7L8OSEPE
July 23, 2022
San Diego, CA
#Along with the Pham's

Jae & Chrystina


Our wedding registry is now open! Thank you in advance!

Chrystina Kim


Jae Jun

#Along with the Pham's

July 23, 2022

San Diego, CA

How we met (Jae Jun)

Just Co-Workers

I got a job as a barista at a coffee shop called Copa Vida at the end of June 2021. A couple of weeks later, a girl comes in for an interview. She had a mask on (oh and keep in mind that this story takes place in a global pandemic, so everyone was wearing masks at the time) so I didn’t see her face. But one day we got to work a shift together at the Sorrento Valley location and I thought she was super cute. She took off her mask and had a bite of her brekkie and at that moment I instantly knew that she was the one. I’m not the type of person to believe in love at first sight or anything super cliche buttttttttt this was love at first sight. I knew I was going to date her, not only that I knew I was going to marry her (Lord willing). After this day we no longer worked at the same location together. We were always working between two different locations. But one day a man named Wesley Evangalista shattered the door at the location where she was working, which forced her to work in my location. We would fold napkins for hours, throw stuff at each other, and just mess around for hours. I was in love, and she was too (she just didn’t know it yet). Long story short I got rejected 7 times before she finally said yes to going out with me. Yes, we had many ups and many downs, but praise God for sustaining us, and being so patient with us as well. I’m so excited that I get to marry my best friend and trusting in the Lord that he will continue to allow this relationship to glorify him.

My Side of The Story (Chrystina Kim)

We really were just Co-Workers

I remember meeting Jae very briefly on the day of my interview for Copa. He was wearing a hat and a mask so I was unable to see his face but I also remember his very energetic wave hello to me. I remember thinking, "Wow, he has so much energy." After that day I got the job at Copa and began working at Sorrento Valley where, yes, the door broke and it was wild. Wesley kept taking orders with a bloody arm and i was just pulling espresso shots and making drinks while internally freaking out. After that incident I got relocated to the Torrey ridge location where I had to work with whom I thought was the most aggressive and mean co-worker I've ever met: Jae Jun. I came home after one day of working with Jae and I immediately told my roommate that I was afraid I wasn't going to get along with this guy. The next day came and I had to work with him again so I just tried my best to assume the best of this guy... turns out he was really goofy and he even offered me gloves as i was washing the dishes. It's funny actually, I thought he was going to say that he would do the dishes but instead he just gave me gloves LOL. Anyways, fast forward Jae and I worked 40+ hours a week together and naturally I just got to know him really well. From spending so much time with Jae I was able to see that he was such a kind, funny and loving brother in Christ. It's true I rejected him many times and yes I am evil for doing so, I admit to my wrongs LOL but I just really did not want to date... but slowly my heart began to change and I was in DENIAL I TELL YOU! I developed stronger feelings for Jae and so that's probably why he got rejected so many times. His intuition was telling him I liked him but I was like heck no I will not date this guy and it was just a cycle. Ehhhh well here we are now preparing to get married. Pretty crazy... but I'm so excited to marry Jae and I'm just so grateful for the way he shows me love and points me to Christ. Praise God for our crazy relationship.

For all the days along the way
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