
A Barn Wedding


Wedding at A Barn

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Alexander Tironati


Christine Hoyt

August 12, 2023

Dayton, ME

How We Met

From College to Cambridge

We didn't know each other for our first 4 years of college-- we went to a 5 and 6 year school. We were friends with a lot of the same folks in college but managed to never meet. We only lived a floor apart our freshman year, and Christine was friends with Alex's roommate! Multiple occasions, we crossed paths: the Squealing Pig, friends celebrations and dorm interactions. Finally, we connected through one of our close college friends (shout out Rosini) and hit off from there. A couple of years of long distance while we both started our careers and then the time flew. Fast forward to 2022, Christine and Alex live in the perfect apartment in Cambridge. Alex proposed in Philadelphia, right before heading to RHCP concert. How perfect! We hope you can celebrate our love and friendship on August 12, 2023. Love y'all and hope to see you at A Barn!

For all the days along the way
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