For years before they met, Jill and Patrick lead parallel lives filled with a love of 90s music, work hard / play hard attitudes, and sports. They only difference was the coast - Jill was die hard Boston, while Patrick was quintessential Cali. In 2016, the stars aligned and the two met at Stanford business school, becoming fast friends. Over time, their friendship turned to courtship (including many 90s guitar serenades) turned to the official "DTR" question after many margaritas in Cabo. While business school was the perfect incubator for their relationship, the real test began in August 2018 as the two started their "real lives". When Patrick picked Jill up at the airport, days before the two were set to start their jobs in San Francisco, he brought with him two things: (1) a taste of the east coast to make this feel like home (dunkin donuts iced coffee), and (2) a taste of the west coast to represent adventures to come (animal style in-n-out burger). Turns out, the gesture alone made them realize that wherever they were and whatever they had to go through - they wanted to do it with each other. Since then, the two have navigated graduation, a job change, two apartment moves, and a pandemic - and somehow, it has been an absolute blast. Patrick proposed at the spot of their first date in the Stanford Quad in July - bringing a shining moment to an otherwise challenging year. Jill & Patrick live together in downtown San Francisco where they work from their desks that sit ~5ft max away, and still somehow haven't gotten sick of each other (as of the time of this being published). We are so excited to celebrate with our friends and family in the same spot where we made our relationship official years ago.