September 18, 2021
Florham Park, New Jersey

Casey & Chris

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party


Maid of Honor

Colleen & Casey were roommates at JMU and have been the best of friends ever since. College gives you a lot of things but not everyone is lucky enough to walk away with a forever best friend.


Best Man

Dan is Chris's younger (definitely not little) brother. I guess you could say they didn’t have much of a choice but these two have always been the best of friends. If you need any pointers, these two could give great tips on how to do the perfect lazy Sunday.


Flower Girl

Emma is Casey’s youngest cousin and also the littlest Eagles fan. This little lady might be driving her Maserati down the aisle, we’ll find out!

Elijah & Isaac

Ring Bearer

Between these two little dudes, the youngest on the Ernst side, we could not ask for a better security team!



Michelle & Casey used to share seats (and a seat belt) on the bus in high school and have been best friends ever since. I think its safe to say we would not have made it through high school without one another!



Alex is the Groom's cousin from the Shay side of the family and just one of the most fun people to be around. Also, the biggest fan of the Village People - can you say Y M C A?!



Nicole & Casey met at JMU and thankfully they were both from New Jersey so even their summers were spent close together. Nicole's love of corgis eventually rubbed off on Casey, so you can thank Nicole for the more recent obsession.



Kevin & Chris started out as teammates on the world's greatest t-ball team and later on became really great friends. Thank gosh he came home from Idaho and they get to spend more time together now!



Stephanie & Casey both grew up in Long Valley together and worked at a small company together right out of college. They were friends almost immediately and haven’t gone a week without talking ever since!



Anthony & Chris have been friends since elementary school and have been great friends ever since. You can find them at a local concert or their annual Kings vs Devils game every winter.



Casey & Gianna met when Gi started dating Dan and the girls knew they would be quick friends. Through the years Casey, Gi, Chris, and Dan have been on countless adventures together.



Jeff & Chris have been great friends since college. Though their college football team isn't very great, they still meet up every Saturday in the fall for the home games (ps - no more noon games, please).



Alex & Casey were introduced through Colleen and share a love for tacos, JMU, and all things pizza. Alex is an amazing wedding DJ/MC and we always knew we wanted him at our wedding but he is too special of a friend to just be our DJ and we couldn't say I do without him up there with us!



Andrew who? Apop & Chris were roommates all through college starting in the dorms and later upgrading to the entire floor of a house they turned into a man cave. They followed their favorite football teams to Miami for a vacation after college and still hang out whenever they can.



Bridesman but more like Life Coach! Jimmy & Casey went to high school together and she scoped him out on LinkedIn because she noticed he had interned with her company and a few months later he was back. These two "co-workers" have been close friends ever since. Thank gosh for Skype so we can talk all day on our work computers and people think we're being productive!



Liam is Casey’s younger brother that Chris actually played Xbox with back in the days before he had even met her. They still share a mutual love for all things video games!

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