December 28, 2019
Fredricksburg, TX

Karissa & Ryan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Adriane S.

Maid of Honor

She's not a best friend but a sister. Through thick and thin, through all the years, she is my person. My polar opposite and one of the people that I am most blessed to have in my life.

Elisha S.

Matron of Honor

My Aunt, an incredible friend, someone who understands the Stigalls and all our traits, good and bad. She is giving, caring, and fun, and I am beyond excited for her to stand by my side. Elisha is someone who loves Ryan and me individually and together and supports us wholly.

Kelli F.


Ryan's little sister and now she's my big sister. Kelli is adventurous, daring, caring, and absolutely incredible - a partner in crime that I could not be happier to have. Kelli is also a Marine Pilot, so thank you for your service my love. We love you!

Tara F.


The little sister of Ryan and now mine as well. Tara is fiery, attending Vet school, brilliant, and unbelievably fierce. Also, a beloved partner in crime, she's an incredible friend and I am beyond excited that our bond is as strong now as it is but cannot wait to see what it continues to develop to be.

Blayne D.


Through Law School, Blayne was the calm in every storm, the wine drinker, and chick flick watcher I was in weekly need of and likely the funniest person I have met. A true New Yorker but so much nicer. Blayne has known Ryan longer than I, but has integrated herself into our lives in a critical way. We love her and are so so so blessed that she is in our party but most importantly that she is such a great friend, even though she loves thin crust, pineapple pizza.

Skye L.


Skye is brilliant, eccentric, knows no fear, a "Yes" woman, and a vegetarian but we still love her, ;). Skye's spirit is freeing and so much fun. If you ever need a positive outlook, a friendly face, a drink, a quiet weekend or anything at all Skye is the woman you call. Also, all through Law School, Skye and Blayne were my chick flick movie watching, wine drinking, pizza eating, forget about school we have other priorities trio that I will never be grateful enough for.

Kaylee S.

Junior Bridesmaid

My baby sister, the most precious human that walks this earth in my eyes. Kaylee Ashlynn is a smart, sarcastic, full of life, fearless princess. 18 years younger than I and forever my world.

Julia C.


Julie and Jo were at Lee Law when I first started there, and they took me to Starbucks one day and have been stuck with me since. Both girls made a huge effort to give me tons of attention and keep me busy while Ryan was still away. They have made California a wonderful place to be and helped me explore it all. We have weekly Taco Tuesday outings, network together & talk all day. You are BOTH extremely important to me, and I am beyond blessed to have you both in my life at just the right time.

Emily L.


Emily is one of the most selfless people I have ever met. Moving to California without Ryan, family, or friends was petrifying. Emily and Dan invited me to hang out with them regularly and introduced me to many of the people Ryan and I get to call our closest friends. Emily is always positive and a guaranteed problem solver. I am so thankful for you, Em!

Lindsey I.


Whenever you need a loving, funny, unbelievably active, motivated beautiful friend on the inside and out you call Lindsey. We had the pleasure of learning we would be stuck together when Ryan I PCS'd to California and found Lindsey and her husband (also in the Coast Guard) right down the street from us. Ryan's Coast Guard College buddies and the Coast Guard family here in California have created a very special family for us here in Cali which includes Dan & Emily Lagdon, Brian & Future Mrs. Megan Lisko, Lindsey & Chris Izzy and us! We could not be more grateful for this amazing group and we love them all!



Jo is my favorite taco Tuesday solo margarita night bestie. Jo is kind, loving and hilarious. She is attempting to turn me Asian and constantly makes fun of my inability to spell, eat spicy food or follow the 24/7 group chat her, Julia and I have. Jo was my first Cali friend and now shes stuck with me :)