We’re still figuring a few things out but were excited for y’all to join us for our day :)
We’re still figuring a few things out but were excited for y’all to join us for our day :)

Elliott & Lacey

    Lacey & Elliott

We’re finally getting married!

Lacey Vaughn


Elliott Fry


September 21, 2024

Red River, NM
147 days147 d18 hours18 h24 minutes24 min38 seconds38 s

It all started in a bar!

Met June 19 2016, Met Cordell in August 14th, Asked Cordell & me out August 20th, First Date (w/o Cordell) September 11,2016, 1st Rid River TRIP 01/2017

We met at a bar I was working at him and his friends come into. Brandon & our mutual friend Kim introduced us at the bar. We instantly clicked but I was in a toxic relationship and he had the DJ play “break up with him by old dominion. I broke up with the ex and we were connected ever since. He meet Cordell and their bond was unmatched (still is) Elliott instantly fell in love with him. I guess it took him a while to fall for me (11 WHOLE MONTHS) though. We have really been inseparable ever since.

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