COVID-19 Update: Our wedding is going forward as planned. If you are impacted and must change your reservation, You can update your RSVP anytime on our site. We will follow CDC/Wedding Venue Guidelines. Masks and Temperature checks required. Vaccination encouraged.
COVID-19 Update: Our wedding is going forward as planned. If you are impacted and must change your reservation, You can update your RSVP anytime on our site. We will follow CDC/Wedding Venue Guidelines. Masks and Temperature checks required. Vaccination encouraged.
December 31, 2021
Greensboro, NC
#firstandlastlove LoveAtFirstStaples

Quinton & Evita


Lighted GarlandLighted Garland

Quinton Staples II


Evita Freeman

#firstandlastlove LoveAtFirstStaples



December 31


How We Met

"Mr. Gasparello?!"

Evita's Story: We met on our first day of high school in the auditorium of Grimsley High in Greensboro, NC. All the kids filed in and I remember seeing Quinton and thinking he was handsome. He sat a few rows behind me. I remember the principle, Mr. Gasparello, introducing himself and hearing him go "Gasparello?!" and I busted out laughing. Instantly, the most nervous day of my life (my 1st day of high school) was filled with laughter. I remember coming home and telling my mom that I made a new friend. Quinton's Story: I’ve always been a jokester and I made a promise to myself that in highschool I was going “be somebody.” So during the freshman meeting on the first day of school I was determined to “cool.” In truth I was being a smart-mouth when I said “Gasparello.” I even think I purposely messed it up. To my suprise Evita turned and smiled. I rember being enamoured by her laugh. I didnt pay any attention what Mr Gasparello said. I was too busy trying to make her smile.

The Proposal

All where it started

Quinton's Story: I liked it...so I put a ring on it. Evita's Story: It's Thanksgiving. Q came down to spend time with my mom and I. Our plan was to enjoy thanksgiving at my house together, then go to Thanksgiving with his family. I got all dressed up and was so excited to see him. (He told me that his family dresses up for Thanksgiving, which I thought was interesting) We all sat down and after we ate, we hopped in his car to head to his family's home. On the way, all our favorite love songs were playing. I kept commenting how each song has a memory. (He replies 'oh its just a thanksgiving playlist', which i thought was interesting). At this point, according to him, I'm heading to a thanksgiving with a family of people who dress up and listen to love music.. I felt like something was up. Grimsley High is en route so he suggests we stop through campus. I'm certain we're going to be in trouble (turns out he had coordinated it with the High School), but we get out and walk around campus, laughing and talking about memories. Hand in hand, we walk past all the landmarks of high school and we end up in the main square. He turns to me and says "I'm certain you're going to be a world changer, because you've changed my world. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Then, he got on one knee and asked me to marry him. I couldn't breathe. I cried. I could barely get out any words. When I finally calmed my adrenaline down, I said Yes. He hugged me while I cried and cried, and then he put the ring on my finger. Then, all our family came out from around the edges of the buildings to surprise us. He had gone the extra mile in making sure all of his family had negative COVID tests so that my mom could safely be there for my engagement.

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For all the days along the way
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