They met at their mutual friends birthday party at a brewery in Georgia. It’s funny… Ericka came with someone else at the time, because she hasn’t seen her friend in a while and didn’t want to go alone. Instead of bringing a girl-friend she brings a guy-friend and she instantly regretted it. Miguel wasn’t going to go to the birthday party, because he had plans with another girl. Awkward haha… His plans fell through (thank god), and so he asked his grandmother if he should go out, and she said “yes, you’re young; enjoy.” Thanks Abuela!!! He ends up going to the brewery and they both locked eyes instantly. Ericka believes that whole night Miguel was trying to make his move on her. While Miguel thinks Ericka was trying to make her move on him. Clearly there was chemistry if they both thought this. Miguel kept on asking his other friends if Ericka and that guy were together. Miguels best friends wife was Miguels wingwoman, and she came up to Ericka at the end of the night and asked her if her and the guy-friend are together. Ericka immediately said “No way!” The wingwoman proceeds to say that Miguel thinks Ericka is beautiful and if they can exchange contacts. Ericka blushed and proceeded to give her contact to him. Once the night ended the rest was history, Miguel and Ericka will be getting married 10/05/2024! They are both excited to embark this new chapter and celebrate with their friends and family. Here is to spending the rest of their lives together, CHEERS!!