June 25, 2022
Rocky Mount, NC

Emleigh & David


We can't wait to celebrate with you.

Watercolor Highlight

David Appel


Emleigh Hughes


June 25, 2022

Rocky Mount, NC

A friendzone success story

We knew each other well before we started dating! Our mutual best friends, Abby and Eric, introduced us but we didn't think much of it. We were both youth leaders at our church and had hung out a few times. Emleigh, Abby, and Eric all went to pick David up from his Spring Break trip at the airport, and when we went to dinner after, the waitress put us on one ticket. It was awkward! A few months later as we were all hanging out as a friend group, we ended up secretly holding hands and we both felt what we can only describe as lightening in our hands. The next day, we had a long phone call and David shared he was not in a place he could pursue anyone else. We could agree on something- our best friends were moving and we both needed each other. Emleigh prayed the entire summer for God to make her the right woman for David. Little did she know, while David was serving at summer camp that year, God was chiseling away at his heart. When David came home, we started talking a lot more, hanging out, and holding each other close through grieving our friends leaving. We hosted a middle school lock in together for the youth kids and we sang karaoke all night long. We were a good duo! So good that David invited Emleigh to Moes the next day for a not a date first date. David then called Abby one night in September and asked her if she thought Emleigh was interested... all while Emleigh was agonizing over the calling she felt to being David's wife. A week later we started dating and quickly realized that it was true- we needed each other, and we are the best teammates we could ever have. And don't worry. David fell madly in love pretty quickly and made up for the major friendzoning. We are the luckiest people in the world to have found each other and forever doesn't feel like enough time.

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