We are so excited to share our special day with you!
We are so excited to share our special day with you!

Shavonne & Ed


Shavonne Richardson


Ed Walker


July 16, 2023

Atlanta, GA

The story of us...

When two friends become more

While Ed will say that I stalked him for years, the truth is that we were great friends for years who never looked each other's way. One VERY LONG phone call snowballed into a series of unforgettable conversations that changed everything in the blink of an eye. As much as I tried to fight it, there was no denying that my feelings for my friend were blossoming into something more. I realized that we had something special and with every conversation the trajectory of our lives was slowly changing. My "friend" turned out to be a beautiful surprise I never knew I needed. Where to start...I have so many playful and sarcastic things I want to say here. I want to tell you that we saw each other across the room and knew instantly that we would be together...but I won't lie to you. The truth is that we were friends. The kind of friend that you know you can count on. The kind of friend you can be silly with. Fortunately, also the kind of friend you fall in love with. My eyes were closed to that possibility. Now that I see it, I can't believe that I didn't recognize it a long time ago.

The Proposal

Her bag is secured

Grab your popcorn for this one, it's about to get good! I had been home sick for over a week, with no appetite. The very first night that I decide to eat, I order food from a delivery service and the food NEVER shows up...how rude! In my agitated, famished state we begin a hunt for food. So on a random Wednesday evening, when all the restaraunts are about to close, we walk into a neighborhood bar as a "hangry" couple and walked out ENGAGED!! If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Ed hired actors to help him carry out his plan. We met a couple who quickly adopted us as their friends. Before we knew it we were sharing stories about how we all ended up in Atlanta, our families, careers and how we met. Eventually they ask us if we plan on getting married, grilling Ed on why he hasn't proposed and why I haven't accepted said marriage proposal. At this very moment, Ed is pulling a ring box out of his pocket and I am in total disbelief at what is happening. I think I might have fainted because I don't remember much else after that LOL. I know he got down on one knee and I know I said yes because...well...here we are telling you our love story ;) Being the super cool, romantic fella that I am (not), I had everything planned out for the proposal (also not). What I really wanted was just an organic moment, one where the moment told me it was time to propose. I had a general idea that I would do it at our favorite hangout if the opportunity presented itself. So of course, Shavonne gets down and out sick. I don’t think she left her apartment for two weeks. As a result, I had been carrying the ring (and a gag ring that I was ultimately too chicken to pull out) everywhere I went for days on end. Let me tell you, nothing makes you feel more nervous than walking around with a diamond ring in your pocket! Fast forward to the fateful night. Shavonne is feeling a bit better and has an appetite for the first time in weeks. The food delivery server did not care about this fact and did not bring her food and would not refund her money. My delightful, loving girlfriend devolved into a hangry, irritable woman on the spot. Despite the mood change that had now infected both of us, we ventured out looking for food. EVERYTHING was closed. We happen to find a neighborhood bar open and at this point it did not matter what they served. We just needed food! Fortunately, there were only four other people in the bar and no one that we knew, so there was no one to have to experience the grouchiness we shared. A little food and a drink later and the mood is lifting. The only other couple in the bar starts talking to us asking questions about how we met, how long we’ve been together and on and on. And then almost like a paid actor the guy tells me what an amazing couple we are and that I HAVE TO “lock her down.” I think to myself, could this be that moment I’m waiting for?? Not quite yet, so I reply with “I would, but she won’t marry me,” hoping for the perfect playful sarcastic reply from Shavonne to set up my next move. Unknowingly, and with a look of utter shock, she replies that I have not asked her. I felt like Lebron on the fast break after a Dwayne Wade alley oop (Google it 😊). It was a perfect pass. Thanks babe! Immediately I reach into my jacket pocket, equal parts excited to see her reaction and relieved to get this thing out of my possession, open the ring box, sit it on the counter and say, “we can fix that right now.” I have never seen Shavonne move that fast before. She runs to the other side of the bar and while pacing back and forth keeps asking what is happening. Everyone in the bar is losing their mind. I’m cracking up laughing and simultaneously lamenting the fact that there will be no video evidence of this epic moment. It didn’t matter. Eventually she relaxes, walks towards me and the rest is history.

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