October 5, 2019
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Nick & Grace

    Wedding Party
Monstera LeafMonstera Leaf

Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family that will walk down the aisle with us!

Lexi Jack

Maid of Honor

Lexi is awesome! She always has our backs. She would scrap anybody if you ask her to lol She's been best friends with Nick for over 10 years. They've gone to a ton of concerts together at Pipeline and after an awesome show, they would go to Wailana Coffee House for pancakes with coconut syrup. Those places have since closed, but they still talk about it like it was yesterday. Grace has grown very close with her over years. They love baking, late night board games, and the 3 M's: makeup, music, and musubi. She's like a sister to both of them and there wasn't even a doubt that she would be Maid of Honor. She loves them more than Zippy's chili! She's been living in Seattle for 3 years now with her boyfriend, Adam, and their cat, Charlie. Nick & Grace visit them as often as they can!

Mark Hiraki

Best Man

Mark is a chill guy. He loves food, video games, and fishing. He has the same sense of humor as Nick, so they're always laughing about something. They used to work together at Mobi Wireless, selling cellphones and listening to music and talking about video games and movies when there weren't any customers in the store. Mark also has the same taste in movies as Grace, they love weird, independent films with ambiguous endings. They love recommending new movies to each other. Nick, Grace, and Mark love trying new places to eat. They call themselves, Team Eats. Whenever they get a chance, they try a new restaurant or new food together and just hang out and catch up.

Emi Kawamoto

Flower Girl

Nick's niece. We've been there for her since day one and now she gets to spread the aloha for our special day!

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