August 31, 2019
St. Louis, MO

Alexis & Matthew


Gold DropsGold DropsGold DropsGold Drops

Matthew Drobak


Alexis Zotos

St. Louis


August 31


How We Met

Fourth times the charm

Over our lives, Matt and I had many chances to cross paths. We grew up just a few blocks from each other in University City and we went to Ladue High School together (he was a senior while I was a freshman). It wasn't until November 2015 that it happened. I sat down at the bar at Earthbound Brewery on Cherokee Street and while waiting for my friends, started chatting up the cute bartender. Of all things, we talked about urban spelunking. But once my friends arrived, that was that. He didn't ask for my number. But thank goodness for dating apps. Because Tinder would be what finally brought us together. In December, we met for a date at Dressell's in the Central West End. It took us a few minutes into the date to realize we had met before. What threw me off was Matt is a project manager at Clayco, not a bartender. But he's a great friend who that November day happened to be helping out his buddy, the owner of Earthbound. From that first date, we knew something was different. This time our paths were crossed. Over the last three years we've shared our love of brunch, travel and exploring St. Louis. Matt introduced me to a love of crosswords puzzles and I introduced him to a love of dogs. We can't wait for a lifetime of love and adventure.

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