
Derek & Cassidy

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are standing by our side on our Wedding Day

Derek Pendleton


Cassidy Latham


I’m the bride 🥰 I met Derek 4 years ago while interning at DBC but I just thought of him as the brother of one of my students. We started a young professionals small group in 2020 and got to know each other more. A little while later, I thought he was definitely someone I wanted to know outside of small group so I started a weekly tv show night at my house with some other friends and enticed him with dinner so I could hang out with him! Thankfully he came and we started talking more and more. After a brief God-pause (you can ask for details lol) between February and May, we got together May 14. He has been the most patient and kind man and loves me like Christ loves the church. He’s everything I dreamed of wanting and everything I didn’t even know I could ask for. I’m super excited to become Mrs. Cassidy Pendleton!

Jerrod Latham

Father of the Bride

This is my dad! We’ve always said we’re pretty much the same person just different genders so we get along super well. He’s done a great job at showing me how a Godly man treats his wife and gave me high expectations for my own future husband. Luckily, Derek exceeds those! I can’t wait to walk down the isle with my dad as he hands me off to Derek. Love you Dad!

Terri Latham

Mother of the Bride

This is my mom! She’s the best lady ever. Always so kind and supportive and wants the best for me. We are very close because we’re the only girls in the family outnumbered by 4 boys, but we love it! Lots of girl time shopping and lunch trips. I’m so lucky to have the best mom.

Damon Pendleton

Father of the Groom

April Pendleton

Mother of the Groom

Callie Clayton

Matron of Honor

I’m Callie Clayton. Cass and I have known each other since she was born! (Our parents were in Bible Study together) but we became close friends when she came to Chattanooga to intern lots of summers ago!

Joel Rigsby

Best Man

Alyssa Pendleton


I’m Alyssa Pendleton and I’m Derek’s sister! However, Cassidy and I met years ago when she interned at our church and I was one of her middle schoolers! We have since grown into friends and of course got closer once she started dating my brother. I’m so so excited for her to join our family!

Jason Dildine


Katie Rigsby


I’m Katie Rigsby. Cassidy and I met at Dallas Bay when we were both helping out in the student ministry and she was also one of my bridesmaids in my wedding so I’m super excited to be one of hers!!!

John Purcell II


Kelsey Cooper


I am Kelsey Cooper! Cassidy and I met in college through our sorority. I was/am her big sis in Chi Omega. I am so honored to be her friend and bridesmaid!

Brandon Bunce


Emily Whitten


I’m Emily Whitten, and I’ve known Cassidy FOREVER - we went to the same church in high school and went alllll over the US together on mission trips! Stayed friends thru college at Baylor and beyond! She’s seen me at my worst and best.

Cayman Norris


Rebekah Phillips


I’m Rebekah Phillips, I think technically we had lunch once at the place we briefly both worked and I’m pretty sure I was the worlds most awkward person, but thankfully since then we go to church together and both help out in student ministry and Cassidy is one of my favorite people and best friends. She even shows up to my boys little league games.

Amelia Stephenson


I’m Amelia Stephenson. Cassidy and I met way back when she was an intern with the church and lived with some family friends I also know and was in Chattanooga visiting. But then we both moved here away from family after college and started becoming better friends!

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