Our first photo together, about a month after we met, on the Brooklyn Bridge Promenade.

One of our awesome adventures -- this time to New Mexico. Also of note: no humidity in this state = good hair for both of us.

Yachats, Oregon: This was in front of the Overleaf Lodge-- where I had stayed years before when I was single and thought..."when I meet the right person, I want to come back with him!"

.This was the first time George met my mom, at Tod's Point Beach in Greenwich. The night before, George told me he loved me. "You're locked and loaded now, you're meeting my mom tomorrow!" I said.

Moving out of my "single girl apartment" (note a theme here?) and into the home George and I now share together. My first time living with a boy!

At George's request, I rode on the back of his motorcycle for roughly one block.

October 19, 2016. The Proposal, at the Brooklyn Bridge Promenade, three days after I rode the motorcycle. Guess I really sealed the deal with that bike helmet.

Not to be cliche, but, three months later..."we're pregnant!" A joyful moment for us.

Some call it pregnancy glow, I call it the fancy moisturizer from the Four Seasons hotel in LA -- our excellent babymoon and last memory of real sleep.

July 25, 2017 - the night before Colette was born. We had no idea how much life would soon change!

August 26, 2017: Our first real family picture, you know, the one where you actually shower and primp your hair (me). Look -- Colette was a brunette when she was a newborn!

3 months later at Halloween.

Colette's first time at the beach.