May 29, 2022
Cullman, Alabama

Eleanor & Daniel

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Sarah McKinney

Maid of Honor

It doesn't matter what the situation is, Eleanor couldn't do it without Sarah - including getting married! Sarah is wise beyond her years. The most thoughtful, selfless friend, both Eleanor and Dan are thankful that Sarah will be present as they marry. A friend closer than a sister, words do not do her justice. Sarah says: "A love for the Lord is the strongest foundation, and Daniel and Eleanor have grown together on that firm foundation. Eleanor and Daniel are so supportive of each other in every facet of life. They raise each other up, and they complement each other in their differences. Eleanor is the fire to Daniel's ice (literally - she caught the house on fire) and I am so grateful to be able to consider them both my friends. I am so excited for them and their future together.”

Henry Lynn

Best Man

Henry is another brother to Dan. Dan has known Henry would be his best man for years and both Dan and El are excited for Henry to be present in such an important way at their wedding! Henry says: "Daniel and I were each other’s support structure through high school. From trying to start our own comic book company to scheming about building underground tunnel mazes, we were always there for each other and working on something crazy. We parted ways for university and it was strange being so distanced. Then I heard about Eleanor. Ever since I’ve known Eleanor she’s done nothing but support and value Dan. They compliment each other well, have a deep connection, and don’t hesitate to share important things with each other. Knowing she’s there makes me feel a little less bad about moving away."

Haley Shufflebarger

Maid of Honor

While meeting over zoom during the pandemic, Eleanor asked transfer student Haley to come over for dinner at her house in the fall and the two have been practically inseparable ever since! Haley says: "I love Daniel and Eleanor’s love for one another and the Lord. They both have fun spirits and I have seen how they complement and balance one another. But my favorite thing about them is their desire to grow together and their willingness to learn from one another. I have watched as they have both been stretched by their love for each other and God has used their relationship to grow them individually and in relationship to Him. I know that together their efforts will be amplified beyond what they are capable of on their own. I cannot wait to see how God continues to use the two of them."

Patrick Younes


Patrick has been friends with Dan since high school and they continue to make time for each other though they're often a state away. Thoughtful and prepared, Patrick is a selfless friend to Daniel and fellow engineer, always ready to talk life or go on an adventure. Patrick says: "In the short time I’ve known Daniel and Eleanor as a couple, I’ve seen a devout love for each other and for God. As God-fearing individuals have ministries that further the kingdom, couples use their relationship with each other to enhance those ministries to reach those that couldn’t have been before. I am sure that Daniel and Eleanor will do great things in this new chapter of life and that their relationship with each other overflows and blesses others."

Ann Whitney Chappell


Eleanor considers Whitney the sister she never had! AW is usually Eleanor's first call for advice as her love for Christ and Godly wisdom is unmatched. Whitney says: “Eleanor has been my friend for 19 years and over that time I have had the blessing of watching the Lord work in her life. I have watched her use her gifts and talents to glorify God, and I am especially proud of the way she has used her story to share Jesus with others. My favorite thing about Daniel and Eleanor is that they have great communication. They seek to validate, uplift and support each other through their actions in a God-glorifying way. I have also watched them carry that into other relationships, being honest and uplifting to those in their lives while holding others accountable and pointing them to Christ. “

Joel Blevins


Joel is the groom's brother and has truly been there since day one. From scraped knees to soccer games and everything in between, Joel has been there for it all and Dan has been there for Joel. Joel says: “I have been around Daniel for so many years and have gotten to watch him grow into the man he is today. There are so many things that I could talk about with him making me proud big brother but the thing that I love the most about Daniel and Eleanor is their decision to serve the Lord. I am proud to have been there for his baptism and see him grow into a man after God’s own heart, but the thing I am most proud of is Daniel’s decision to not just marry Eleanor but the bigger decision to be a living picture of the Gospel in him and Eleanor’s future marriage. I love you Dan.”

Valerie Fenton


Valerie and Eleanor met while working at Chick-fil-A in 2016 and have been friends ever since. Valerie is a constant source of kindness, joy, and humor. Her laugh is out of this world and no one else on planet earth can rival her patience or her sense of adventure. Val says: "It has been an honor to watch the love between Eleanor and Daniel blossom. Over the last year they've faced so many unique situations together, and have pulled through it all, stronger than before. It's beautiful to watch the communication, adaptation, and gentle love they share. I can't wait to see where their journey takes them next over the years!"

Alex Price


Alex has been a friend to Dan since Daniel first came to Auburn. He has come alongside Daniel as a fellow engineer and friend through hard days and hard classes alike. His friendship means the world to both Eleanor and Dan. Alex says: "The thing that stands out about Daniel and Eleanor is the way that they not only love each other but how they show it. I’ve seen them be there for each other in their highs and lows, regardless of what’s going on in their own lives – it’s truly a selfless love. As they grow together, I can’t wait to see where that love takes them. The other thing that stands out is their faith. I’ve seen how their faith drives them both individually and how they live that out. I am excited to see what God has in store for them and what they do with their faith together."

Emily Weaver


Full credit to Emily for introducing the bride and groom! She has been a faithful friend to both Daniel and Eleanor and an amazing sounding board when difficult situations arise. Christ-like and gentle, the wedding would not be complete without her. Emily says: "I appreciate Daniel and Eleanor’s commitment to each other. I’ve watched them walk through some difficult challenges together, and I watched them choose to walk together, to lean on each other, and to continue caring for and loving each other every time, which is inspiring to me. Their relationship is filled with trust and loyalty."

Charlie Hellard


The bride's brother, Charlie is a good friend to Daniel as well. In fact, sometimes Eleanor thinks that Charlie might like Dan better! Charlie and Daniel share a love for flight and learning how things work. They like to exchange car pictures and play fantasy football. Eleanor is beyond thankful for how close the two of them have become! Charlie says: "Eleanor and Daniel are a good fit for each other. I am blessed to be related to the bride and I see every time I am with her how happy Daniel makes her and the positive change he is causing in her life. Whether it be going to the aquarium, teaching Eleanor how to drive a stick shift, or golfing, they enjoy spending time with each other and enjoy growing together in the Lord."

Emily Knight


One of the most kind and Godly women Eleanor knows, Emily is a deeply caring person who desires to know Christ and make Him known. Emily says: "My friendship with Eleanor started with butter chicken and angry eyebrows. Since then, I’ve watched Eleanor and Daniel grow together in their relationship. Their love for each other reflects the love of Christ. To quote Veggie Tales: “love, love, true, true love, the kind this fairy tale is made up of, but we’ve heard these stories, and if we’re correct… true love’s the kind of love that thinks of others first!” I have seen them both make sacrifices for each other. More importantly I’ve seen the power of God working through them in the lives of those around them. I can’t wait to see y’all get married, I am confident that God will bless you both!"

Ben Harris


Ben has been a dear friend to both the bride and the groom for a few years now. Daniel especially values the kindness of Ben along with their famed game cube nights! Ben says: “It’s been a privilege getting to meet Daniel and Eleanor ever since I’ve been at Auburn. Daniel is one of the most caring and dependable friends I have ever met. Whether it’s studying for an exam or a trip to Chick-fil-a, Daniel makes every occasion a good time. Eleanor is just as caring and is able to see the best in everyone. Daniel and Eleanor together bring out the best in each other. I truly admire their love for God and their drive to further His Kingdom through their Christlike compassion. I immensely appreciate Daniel and Eleanor’s friendship, and I know that God has many blessings in store for them.”

Grace Blevins


Grace is Daniel's twin sister and including her in the wedding was very important to Daniel and his family. Attached at the hip for the first portion of their lives, Daniel and Grace are their own unique individuals now but grew up together. Their relationship as twins is certainly very special. Grace says: "Growing up, I always wondered what Daniel’s wife would be like. Would she be outdoorsy and love random old stuff just like he does? While I’m not sure how much Eleanor likes to fish or if she has a passion for antiques, I do know that she cares deeply for Daniel and loves him well. As Daniel and Eleanor continue to pursue each other in their marriage, I pray that their relationship is a picture of the gospel.”

Nathan Tolbert


Friends since freshman year, Nathan and Daniel have seen each other through the highs and lows of engineering. Nathan is compassionate, loyal, and very witty. Nathan will certainly bring humor to the wedding day and we are thankful for his friendship. Nathan says: "I have known Daniel since the beginning of college when we first came to Auburn, and he has been a good friend ever since. I can say without a doubt that I don’t know why Daniel and Eleanor's relationship works but it just does. I see how much they love God and how that braces their love for each other. Daniel and Eleanor mesh together perfectly and it makes me so happy to know they will have each other as time continues on."

Conor Baird


From surviving strange suitemates freshman year to Conor’s brother Ethan moving in, Daniel and Conor have done college together! Daniel and Eleanor are both so thankful for Conor to be part of the next big milestone in Dan’s life! Conor says: “I first met Daniel the summer before my freshman year after we’d decided to room together. Through our freshman and sophomore year we grew into good friends. We’ve made good memories fishing, shooting, flying, and anything else you can imagine. I still remember the first time I met Eleanor and got to see her caring nature towards Daniel. Whether it’s watching tv, cooking together, or hosting dinner parties for friends I’m glad that Daniel has found someone to spend his life with. I wish Daniel & Eleanor the best in their marriage.”