June 4, 2021
Medina, OH

Paul & Christina

    Wedding Party
Colorful brushesAbstract Decor

Wedding Party

Laura Lagania


Laura is a friend of Christina's. They met through the Honors Program at Baldwin Wallace University. Laura is also the person who encouraged Christina & Paul to meet.

Ian Cherpillod

Best Man

Friend of Groom since elementary school. They spent time in college at OSU going on bike rides reminiscent of their air soft and rock wars as kids. His friendship with Paul is ultimately how Christina and Paul met.

Alex Farone


Alex is a friend of Christina's from college. Alex shared an apartment with Christina, Katie, and Allie as upperclassmen at Baldwin Wallace.

Allie Primisch


Allie is another friend of Christina's from college. Allie also shared an apartment with Christina, Katie, and Alex as upperclassmen at Baldwin Wallace.

Nick Sengupta


Nick is a friend of Paul's from their graduate program (biomedical sciences) at The Ohio State University. He is Paul's go-to-guy in the program and offers help however he can. Plus, he is a really good planner of parties.

Elizabeth Rueger


Bethany is Christina's sister-in-law. She was the MVP at Paul and Christina's wedding ceremony this past summer agreeing to Facebook Live the event for those unable to attend.

Michael Rueger


Michael is Christina's younger brother. Although Paul made the accident of once calling him sister and now it has stuck. Michael has also helped supply plants for Paul and Christina's new townhome and assisted them with their move now that they are less than 20 minutes away from each other.

Danielle Rueger-Miroewski


Danielle is Christina's older sister.

Tyler Pendleton


Tyler is a friend of Paul's from North Royalton. They became friends in high school and Tyler has helped Paul through many changes. Also, their mutual admiration of cats is admirable - they even have the same cat calendar!

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