Rudy and I have known each other for many years. We’ve gone to all the same schools growing up and have similar friend groups. We started seeing each other more and more fall of 2021, always running into each other at events or out with friends. The girls went and I went to Mash Tun one night and Rudy and his friends tagged along. He grabbed a stool and squeezed right in next to me. We chatted for awhile and he out of the blue said “I’m going to take you on a date one of these nights.” We went out to dinner a couple weeks later. I asked him on the way home, “10 years ago , would you ever think we’d be going on a date now?” He said “I don’t know maybe, would you?” I answered “absolutely not! But here we are.” Turns out it was the best decision we ever made and we can’t wait to start our lives together in this next chapter.
Rudy woke up extra early that morning and went to roam the aisles of Home Depot. A normal Saturday routine, so I didn’t think anything of it. I was out for an appointment later on and Rudy texted me to tell me to hurry home because we needed to pick something up for the pool before they closed. Why couldn’t he go pick up a float on his own? I got home, the door was cracked and I walked into Rudy standing in the dark kitchen with candles lit, so many flowers, and rose petals on the floor. I stopped in my tracks (still in my sweatpants) and he grabbed my hand. He asked me to marry him and of course I said YES! Little did I know the surprises weren’t over. There was an engagement celebration waiting with several of our closest family and friends. We're so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you. See you in Portland in June!