November 6, 2021
Suwanee, GA

Cheney & John

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Kaitlyn Miller

Matron of Honor

Kaitlyn and I met through mutual friends in college. It’s hard to pinpoint an exact time because she says we met in Calculus 3, but I have no recollection of said meeting. What I do know is that we became fast friends and ended up rooming together in our 5th year (once a roommate, always a roommate). So many laughs and memories were shared, from dance parties lit by strobing headlamps to dramatic readings of songs and textbooks. We have adventured to the mountains and all the way to New Mexico. Kaitlyn is one of the most solid and wise people I know, and I am so honored to have her as my Matron of Honor.

Emma Beckwith


Emma is our youngest Wade Street child and keeps us young. She has taught us the ways of the Tik Tok and practices the Savage dance any chance she gets. There was a time when we thought she was super quiet, but then she surprised us one night by dropping all of the lyrics to the rap in Justin Bieber’s As Long As You Love Me. From that moment on, our Wade Street family was solidified. I am so thankful for her capacity to be equally deep and profound, as well as silly. She is an absolute joy, and I’m so glad to have her as a bridesmaid.

Tanner Cohen


Tanner became my sister-in-law this June, and I am so excited to have her as part of the family. It’s been great getting to know her over the past few years while she and Hank dated, but I feel like quarantining at my parents’ lake house allowed us to really start to develop a friendship. She has great taste in books, podcasts, and wine, and is such a thoughtful and compassionate person. I’m excited as we enter into this new chapter of family together.

Shelby Galvin


Shelby transferred to Georgia Tech halfway through our time there, where she quickly became a close friend. We both share a mastery of contorting our faces into a perfect frown. She is hilarious and so intentional, always writing the best notes in cards. She was the first of our little Wade Street house to get married, and has used every opportunity she could since to try to set the remaining roommates up. I’m so thankful for her pulling together our Wade Street family and that she will be with me as a bridesmaid.

Parrish Hoag


Parrish was one of the first friends I made at Georgia Tech. We lived together for a couple years, both off campus and across the pond in France where we studied abroad. We planned grand weekend trips to all different countries in true college student travel fashion - sleeping on trains and in hostels and getting stranded in Paris when you miss your train. Parrish is one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I have ever known. I’m so thankful to have her standing with me as a bridesmaid.

Kensley Kerns


Kensley is John’s sister and my future sister-in-law. She is funny and a great dog mom to her little pup Louie. I have enjoyed getting to know her and learn all about Coffee County life, and I look forward to having her as my sister-in-law and bridesmaid.

Erica Randerson


Erica also transferred to Tech halfway through, where we learned that we were actually from the same area and had crossed paths in a lot of ways before school. She is also a core part of the Wade Street family, keeping our yard in top shape and wildlife well-fed. Erica is a great planner and host and is great at keeping friends close even while life takes us all in different directions. This season of engagement has been fun to share together, as Erica got engaged two weeks before John and I. I can’t wait for us to be in each other’s weddings this year.

Brandie Shackleford


Brandie is also a friend from freshman year at Tech. We spent many late nights “studying” physics and other classes. This sometimes meant more studying wedding videos or having long life chats with our other friends in the classes. Brandie is one of the most loyal and intentional friends, able to keep up with people from all over the country. She has the biggest heart and I’m so glad to have her with me as a bridesmaid.

Jerod Beck

Best Man

I met Jerod way back in Fall 2012 when he came on board with SWAT Ministries. Through lots of time doing ministry together which included so many car rides, time with whiteboards, interning, and late night conversations, we became best friends. Jerod is my guy. I know that he will always tell me what I need to hear and is one of the wisest people I know. I had the pleasure of being his best man a few years ago and couldn't be happier to have him be my best man during this season of engagement.

Hank Cohen


I met Hank back in August of last year shortly after I started dating Cheney. I can't wait to continue to get know him as he becomes my brother-in-law and am so happy that he is a part of our wedding day.

Chase Colwell


I met Chase in Fall of 2013 when he came on board at SWAT as well (this is going to be a trend haha). Chase and I experienced Snowpocalypse 2014 together, and he later became a roommate of the 220 (our college apartment) household in Fall 2014. Chase always makes me laugh (#stuffchasesays) and is one of the most intentional people in my life. I had the pleasure of being one of Chase's groomsmen, and I am so happy have him as one of mine.

Jeremiah Cook


I also met Jeremiah in Fall 2013 when he became a SWAT Leader. He later became another roommate of mine during the Apartment 220 days. I honestly didn't know what to think of Jeremiah in the early days of knowing him, but today he is one of my closest friends. He is one of the low-key funniest people I have ever met, and I have gotten to be a part of so many fun moments with him during our time doing ministry together. I also got to be a groomsman in Jeremiah's wedding a couple years ago and am very excited to have him as one of mine.

Thomas Davis


Out of all my my groomsmen, I have known Thomas the longest. We met in Spring 2011 at the most random church function outside of Ocilla, GA. In Fall 2012, Thomas finally came on board with SWAT as a leader and also became one of my first college roommates (shoutout to Polo Scrub & 220). Thomas is always the life of the party and is one of the most gifted people I know. Thomas's wedding was the last one I was in as a groomsman, and I am really glad he's one of mine during this season.

David Illidge


I met David for real in 2018 (had known of him for a while through mutual friends) when I moved to Douglasville to serve at Central Baptist Church. David has been one of my roommates at The Bachelor Pad for almost two years now and always keeps things interesting (he lives his life a quarter of a mile at a time). He is one of the funniest, nerdiest, and smartest people that I know. I'm so excited that he is one of my groomsmen.

Nic Tate


Nic is another one of my Central people that I met in 2018. He has also been my roommate at the Bachelor Pad for about two years. Nic is the type of person you can always count on and is one of the hardest workers I know. We've spent so much time in the car together going back and forth for movies and has become such a great friend of mine. I am so thankful to have Nic as one of my groomsmen.

Gary Thompson


I also met Gary when I started serving at Central in 2018. Gary is one of the most creative and fun people I know and has become someone I can always count on to go see a movie with regardless of how bad it might be (shoutout to that string of duds in January/February 2020). Gary and his wife, Kenzie, were also massive helps in making the engagement and following party happen back in March. I am so thankful that he's one of my groomsmen.