August 29, 2021
Point Pleasant, New Jersey

Caren & Frank



If you have any other questions, please let us know! Contact Caren at (631)445-6374 or Frank at (732)887-6928.

What is considered beach formal attire?


Please no tuxes, evening gowns! We are not getting married "on the beach", but want a beach feel . It is August and could be hot. but also want you to dance the night away so heels are not recommended on the boat! Wear sundresses and sandals, Hawaiian shirts and khakis! No sneakers, please! It could get cool on the water at night so just be prepared for a breeze.


What is the shuttle information?


There will be a shuttle available between the hotel, ceremony and venue throughout the day. It only holds 24 people at a time and can make multiple trips. The bride will be taking it from the hotel to the reception at 3pm and then bride and groom will travel from the ceremony to the reception after pictures.


Are there any COVID protocols?


Currently (7/25/21), there are no COVID protocols in New Jersey. It is strongly recommended that if you are not vaccinated, you wear a mask. If you are uncomfortable for any reason, please let us know. We will have sanitizer and masks available on the boat for your health and safety.


Can I get sea sick on a River Boat?


It's extremely rare for anyone to get seasick on a river cruise. First, there are virtually no waves on a river. Sure, it can get windy, but waves and rocking are almost non-existent. If your river ship is tied up in port at night, you might experience a slightly gentle sway now and then when a cargo boat goes past. We will have motion sickness bands and ginger in the case that anyone may be feeling a little motion sickness. We want you to have fun and not worry about anything!


Is the boat enclosed?


The boat is covered and is meant to have the windows and all walkways open for fresh air. For COVID, this is an ideal situation since masks are not required and there is no chance for transmission. If you are more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so. Let's hope for some comfortable weather (not humid) so the windows c2n stay open!