April 10, 2021
Red Banks, MS

Jenny & J


We're So Glad You Found Us!

J Pallme


Jenny Jarvis


April 10, 2021

Red Banks, MS

Second Time is the Charm!

Hi Everyone! As you already know, we rescheduled our wedding to April 10, 2021. The ceremony will be completely outdoors (weather permitting) and the reception will be a large, open indoor space with access to the outdoor farm property so you have plenty of fresh air available!

How We Met / First Date

Willow Field

From Jenny's perspective 2014 There I was, going to bat pretending like I knew anything about softball. My church team (not super talented) was playing another team from my same church (they had a lot of talent). I managed to somehow hit the ball and eventually got to 2nd base. Cue this QT shortstop standing next to me. I tried to chat him up a bit but before I knew it, I had to run to 3rd. So long blue eyes, I thought. 2015 The super talented church team decided not to play in the league the next season so my team absolutely took advantage of that by asking individual people from their team if they wanted to play with us. As true fairy tales go, this QT shortstop shows up to our first game (eek!!). We got along really well - he always told the silliest dad jokes (still does). After the games, our team would go out to get food or drinks and I'd have the chance to get to talk to him a little bit. Finally, a smaller group of us started hanging out but I still couldn't tell if he liked me. In late October, he met me and my parents downtown for a Chase Rice concert (he claims he thought more people were coming. Anyway, my dad will tell you that we started dating that night). Still, almost two months went by before he finally asked me out on a date. And I said no...because Corey (see "Wedding Party") was coming into town and I had plans with him. All J heard was "I can't because I'm having dinner with another guy". BUT Corey was pretty tired so dinner was quick. When I got home, I built up the courage to text J and ask if he still wanted to hang out. He said he was downtown so I got an Uber to meet up with him at Tin Roof and the rest...is history <3


Chickasaw Gardens

September 19, 2019 After work, we were supposed to fly to Green Bay to spend the weekend with Bren Bren (see "Wedding Party") and my parents. At lunch time, we found out our flight was cancelled and we had to rebook for early Friday morning. I was pretty bummed but lit back up when J texted me "Let's make today special anyway" and suggested that we pack up snacks and wine and walk Yooper (our dog) to the nearby lake to play some Scrabble. I got home from work a little later than planned so we also packed a lantern and went on our way. When we got to our spot, we tied Yooper up and set up the game. J said that the winner would get a surprise and assured me that he would supply the surprise so whether he won or I won, I wasn't out anything (that's my kind of deal!). The sun had now set so we had our lantern sitting between us so we could see the tiles. I won (which now I'm wondering if it was real) so he asked me if I wanted my surprise now or later. I decided that I wanted it right away so he took two packages out of the backpack - both wrapped in tissue paper. The first one was a light house and he proudly said "I painted it!", which was very cute but I was also very confused. The second one was a little wooden box painted to match the light house; at this point I understood that the two together formed a replica for the lighthouse that's out at my family's camp. Inside, the box was filled with cut out photo magnets of us, family, friends, and inside jokes from the last four years. They were all so sweet but I was still very confused. He said "there's one more" and handed me one last photo magnet, which was a picture of him down on one knee at Willow Field (see story above) holding a ring box in one hand and Yooper in the other. Now that I knew what was happening, I looked up and J was in front of me down on one knee holding the ring asking me to marry him. After several minutes of crying, I finally said "yes".

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