
Bryce & Ian


We are so excited to celebrate our love with our closest Friends and family


Ian McCarson


Bryce Johnson



January 12


How We Met

We all know meeting online is becoming more common, but that's not where our story begins. It all started when Bryce was hanging out with her girlfriends and they wanted to swipe through her Bumble account for fun. Before Bryce could say she wanted to match with this tall, handsome man who caught her attention with one photo, her friend swiped no and Bryce thought he was lost forever. Luckily, her friend Emily mentioned that her husband, Tavin, was actually friends with this mystery man. So Emily and Tavin along with the help of some other friends convinced both Bryce and Ian to go on a group date to Lazy Dog. Even though it was during the times of relaxed covid restrictions, they had to still eat outside on a hot and humid August afternoon, but you could say they made the best of it.

Our Love Story

We all know first impressions matter most. Luckily, it seemed Bryce and Ian were already on the same page on the very first date. Both bundles of nerves, thought the other was cute and could only hope the other felt the same. After a bit of liquid courage for both, their conversation soon fell into step. At the end of their date, Ian finally asked for Bryce's number so he could take her out on a real and proper first date. She wouldn't let him know it then, but Bryce was excited to see him again and soon. One date led to another and another and so on. About a month in, Ian, with the help of some of his coworkers, worked up the courage to officially ask Bryce to be his girlfriend. Since we are on their wedding site, we can assume her answer was yes. Every next step was as easy as the first. It wasn't long until Bryce asked Ian to move in with her. Again their lives fell into step just as easily as the first date. After celebrating their first anniversary, they decided to start thinking about more concrete dreams. One of which was getting a cat together. The following February they found the perfect addition to their home, Brie. She too fit right into their lives, to make a happy little family.

The Proposal

Ian knew early on that Bryce is his other half. They had many conversations about the topic of marriage and sharing their lives together; in which Bryce confirmed she felt the same. So in the, not so wee, hours of the night, while Bryce was asleep, Ian looked for the perfect ring to encapsulate all that he feels for Bryce that she would be proud to wear. After months of careful planning, the day finally came. Ian was sure to ask a couple of friends to be there to celebrate and take photos. Ian also made a point to ask Bryce's mom for her blessing and also where her dad was resting. He knew it would be important to Bryce that he ask her dad's permission, he even brought a can of spam with him as it was his favorite. With all the pieces in place, Ian took Bryce back to the first real date they shared,and at sunset asked her to spend the rest of their lives together. The rest is history.

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