November 3, 2022
Marathon, FL

Laura & Nicholas


We are so excited to celebrate with you!

Watercolor Highlight

Nicholas Altitonante


Laura Britton

November 3, 2022

Marathon, FL

The story....

Nick and Laura met through mutual friends in high school at a random bonfire on a Friday night. Neither of them were interested in a relationship in the summer of 2013. Feelings and emotions were overpowering! They both have been through so much as a couple, which created such a strong and unbreakable bond. Laura has completed high school, undergrad and started graduate school, in addition to working at Classic Cake and Bancroft. Nick has been dedicated to Martial Arts for a decade, putting his entire time and energy into bettering himself and the students he taught. After years of dating, Nick finally popped the questions during a trip at Niagra Falls, Canada. A year later, during the start of the pandemic, they bought their first home in Magnolia, NJ. Not even a year later, Nick was offered a job that was too difficult to pass up. In the beginning of the summer of 2021, Nick and Laura (and Erin), moved across the country to Naples, FL. After a crazy couple of years, they both decided that it was FINALLY time to tie the knot. We decided to find a location in the Florida Keys, for a small, intimate wedding with our families and closest friends, who have made much great impacts on our lives over the years. We are both hoping that you are able to make this trip down to the keys, to not only enjoy the wonderful weather, but to join us and celebrate!!

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