October 24, 2020
Chidester, Arkansas

BriAnna & Parker


We're getting Married!

Parker Beck


Brianna White


October 24, 2020

Chidester, Arkansas

Where It All Started

October 25, 2017

Parker and I met in passing a few times in the years before 2017. We weren't what you would consider "friends," but we did share several mutual friends. Fast forward to 2017, we crossed paths again in Walmart parking lot, through yet another mutual friend. Destiny maybe? Haha. To be completely honest, I didn't even recognize Parker that day. I remember asking, "who was that?" I felt so bad when it became clear who the person parked across from us was, especially since I didn't even speak to him. (If you know me, you know how that goes) The summer to come after that parking lot encounter was one that changed both of our lives, in more ways than we could have ever imagined.. It was the summer before I transferred to Henderson State. I had just turned 21 and was what you could call "living my best life." As you could have guessed, if you know Parker, he was living his best life too. LOL. We crossed paths several times again that summer - at parties, in Walmart parking lot a few more times, and even at each other's place of living. We formed our version of a 'friendship' and like everyone of these stories, it just developed from there. We hung out almost every day, and talked for almost two weeks before Parker asked me to be his girlfriend. I could have used a little more time getting use to Parker's presence in my life, but he had other plans. I showed up one night, and everyone else was already there. I noticed pretty quickly everyone was acting odd, especially Parker. He had everyone else go outside and asked me to sit on the couch with him. He pulled out a picture he had put of us in a frame, and asked me if I thought it was "cute." I replied something like.. "Well, I suppose?..." He went on to ask me if I would like for it to be mine. I replied again... "Well, I suppose?..." (SO AWKWARD at this point) I looked over towards the door and seen everyone peeking inside like children, and then bam... he hit me with, "It can be your's if you'll be mine."

Anything But Ordinary


I clearly took the picture frame and became Parker Beck's girlfriend that night. Maybe a little bit against my own will, but it happened. Who would have ever guessed.. 2017 - 2019 were a whirlwind. Parker and I were anything but an ordinary couple. Any obstacle a new relationship could be presented with, we experienced. We laughed, we fought, we cried, we experienced death and hardships together, we grew into our adult lives together, and we made so many of the best memories I have to this day... together. Through it all, the good and the bad times, I can't think of a time we didn't have each other to lean on when it really mattered. I said in the first part of our story we formed our version of a friendship, but during the years of 2017-2019 we really solidified that friendship and built the strongest foundation for our future together.

Our Brightest Light

August 9, 2019

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the.... WAIT. A normal story for Bri and Parker? No way. Anything but ordinary, remember? We celebrated our one year anniversary on October 25th, 2018. Our relationship was weathering some pretty heavy waters during this time. Parker was working a long ways from home. I was struggling to balance my school and work life. Things were rough, but we were going down swinging. Fast forward a few weeks, to early December.. Parker was back at work and I was finishing the semester of school before Winter Break. I'll spare the details, because it's another long, anything but ordinary story.. I found out I was pregnant. I knew for an entire night before I was able to tell Parker. I remember experiencing every emotion humanly possible before telling him. I told him on Facetime at 5:00 am the next morning. He smiled the biggest smile, and kept asking me, "Are you really pregnant, really?" .. "I guess I need to come back home soon, for good." August 9, 2019 at 7:06 pm, after 28 hours of hard labor, we welcomed the brightest light of our lives.. Kohen Adair Beck. Our life together changed in every sense of the word. We weren't just a couple anymore.. we became family. A piece of each other's hearts. Parker officially "put a ring on it" and asked me to marry him on October 15, 2019. We were sitting in my car, under our car port. It was simple and easy. Nothing extravagant. And everything I wanted in that moment. On October 24, 2020 I will become BriAnna Nicole Beck - Kohen's mom and Parker's wife. Both are truly an honor, and even on the hard days I feel like the luckiest woman on Earth to have them to take care of, for forever. If you got to this part of our story, thank you for taking the time to read, and we look forward to celebrating our big day with you. #BabyGotBeck!!!

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