December 8, 2018
New Orleans, LA

Brandon & Kelley


Can't wait to celebrate!

Kelley Smith


Brandon Spakowski


December 8, 2018

New Orleans, LA

How we met

October 28, 2016 Game 3: Cubs Lose, We Win!

Kelley was convinced by friends to pay a $100 cover to watch the first home game of the series at Sluggers with the promise that food and drinks would be cheap and the line would be skipped. As it turned out, few were dumb enough to pay that kind of money for smelly 'ol Sluggers and soon after Kelley paid, Sluggers started dropping their cover to get more folks in the door. Several innings later, Cubs losing, Kelley and her friends having full reign of the bar a lone stranger walks in looking like Jake Arrieta, beard and all. Kelley's friend Kyle and his 'bros welcomed him in praising him for his baseball star likeness. It didn't take long for Kelley to hone in on the tall, handsome Cub's fan. Several Coors Lights deep, Kelley sauntered over and met Brandon. Brandon happily joined the group for some additional fun in the batting cages (watching Kelley fall whilst missing slow pitches). Clearly impressed with Kelley's sporting, Brandon scheduled a brunch date before night end. The Cubs lost that game, but managed to go on and win the World Series after a 108 year drought. Brandon went on and convinced Kelley to marry him ending her 18 years of dating. 2016 proved to be a special year. The top photo was taken on their first official date over brunch.

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