September 23, 2021
Wellston, OK

Tara & BJ


We're getting married!

Floral Garlandflowers

BJ Lee


Tara Beda


September 23, 2021

Wellston, OK

How It Started...

A small snippet of how we met!

Tara and BJ met during their sophomore year of college. They had seen each other around campus the year prior, but were only acquaintances. One night, Tara was sitting out by the parking lot after coming home from work. Suddenly, BJ walked up and asked her a very important question. He had informed Tara that he had returned from a party and was not capable of driving himself to get food. He asked if Tara could drive him to get food and, as a thank you, he would buy her whatever food she wanted. Tara obliged and they ventured to Taco Bell. On their excursion, BJ explained to Tara why lettuce on tacos was the grossest thing ever, and Tara praised the invention of the Doritos Locos tacos. They both got back to their dorms, said good night, and went their separate ways. A week went by and that weekend, Tara and her roommate decided they wanted to go on a food run before heading out to a party. Tara's roommate had told her that her friend was going to pick us up and take us to grab food. And who was the friend? BJ of course! However, Tara was not aware of this, so when their ride pulled up, Tara's roommate offered up shotgun and took the backseat. Both were pleasantly surprised and, in true college fashion, they went and got food...at Taco Bell. This time, the two made sure to exchange phone numbers. They talked about their weeks, how BJ was drowning in his chemistry class and Tara talked about her love of aerial dance. When they got back to the dorms, they went their separate ways, but shortly after that, they began casually dating. After a month of dating, Tara decided to invite BJ to come visit her in Chicago during winter break. Shortly after Christmas, BJ flew out to Chicago and spent New Years with Tara at a club with her friends. As they counted down to the new year, BJ turned to Tara and asked her to be his girlfriend, to which Tara happily accepted. The room erupted in celebration for the new year, as Tara and BJ celebrated their new relationship.

How It Happened...

How the question was popped!

2020 was suppose to be the year. The. Year. Not only was it going to be the year where Tara and BJ get their lives together for all their plans for the upcoming year, but it was the year that BJ was going to propose to Tara. They had talked several times about getting married, but now it was time to pull the trigger. BJ had everything planned. He had recently taken on an interest in woodworking, and was hoping to hand-carve a proposal ring for Tara and propose that summer. Everything was purchased. Everything was worked out. Everything was ready to go. And then... Covid-19 hit... Suddenly, the world had turned upside-down and now, it looked like the proposal would have to wait. With BJ's med school shifting the curriculum around, and the important First Step Test coming up, it became less and less likely for him to have time to carve his ring. The summer came and went and it wasn't long until the school year kicked back in. BJ's birthday had fallen on a Monday and even though he was heading to the hospital for school, Tara was staying home sick. He wished her to get well and left for the day. As soon as BJ was confirmed to be gone, Tara got out of bed and went to work. She began working on BJ's birthday cake and began decorating the house. She had planned to surprise him since she knew they couldn't do much because of Covid. When BJ got home, he was met with Red Lobster catering, champagne, a cake and a gift. Although the scene looked set, there was something off. Tara was acting weird...Tara was shaking...and crying. As Beej approached her, he noticed what the gift was. A ring. BJ stared at the ring and looked at Tara and asked what it was. Surely she didn't just buy him a ring just to buy him a ring. But what other reason would she buy him a ring? Tara, still shaking, looked up at him and in the softest, most-scared voice, asked, "Will you marry me?" In an instance, BJ exhaled in joy and hugged Tara, giving her an affirming yes! And now we wed!

For all the days along the way
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