Logan and I met in the green room at our church when we both started playing on the worship team in 2015. On two separate occasions we were reading the same books - ironically titled, "Life Together" and "Awe." We connected over our love for Jesus and need for community, but Logan would always leave the room after a few minutes of conversation (later he confessed that he thought I was pretty and that made him nervous). In January of 2018, we both attended a Use Your Atlas show at Mills Record Company. It was a full show and I found an empty spot in the corner next to Logan. We started talking that night and haven’t ever stopped! If Logan tells the story he says I “cornered him" at Mills. :) On our first date I told him I was leaving the country for long-term missions. A week later he reassured me that he was willing to wait, confessing his love, eloquently pouring out his heart with deep sincerity. I replied simply (but with equal sincerity), “SAME!" And now that simple word is the way we often communicate.