
Azahel & Aspen

    RSVP/ Reservaciones

Welcome Family & Friends


Aspen Talavera


Azahel Herrera

August 26, 2023

Our Love Story

We have always known each other because of living in a small town. It all started when we both started working at Hammonds BBQ. Azahel invited me to a movie date after work one night, we talked about our upbringing, current and future goals, our favorite things as well as our least favorite things lol, that night there was something there. We had to be each other's best friend to get over hard times such as struggles of college, losing loved ones, and what else life threw at us. The day Azahel proposed was simple and yet us. We were having one of our long talks about goals that we have achieved and what was next for us together and as individuals. That's when he said his next goal was needing his best friend to become his wife and he asked me to marry him! We are truly blessed, and we keep Jesus Christ in both of our lives, making our journey together that much peaceful and living with a true purpose. We look forward to the wedding day, sharing this with the people we love the most, our families and friends! Thank you for all the love and support that helped us get here! xoxo

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