
April & Apoorv



A Baraat is an Indian wedding tradition where the groom, accompanied by his family and friends, dances all the way to the bride's doorstep or wedding venue. We will be having a Baraat, lead by a dhol (drummer). If you have been notified that we would like you to join the Baraat, it will begin to gather at 4:15 PM. The procession will begin at 4:30 PM. The hotel has stressed the importance of being on time due to the need to hold the service elevator to accommodate more people and to ensure that the normal flow and function of the hotel lobby are not disrupted. By using the service elevator, they need to schedule catering and housekeeping around us. IF USING COMPUTER, CLICK ON BOTH PHOTOS BELOW FOR FULL VIEW AND FURTHER DETAILS.
Harbor Steps: We will gather at street level, which is the top of the steps. The pink "X" clarifies location.
Harbor Steps: We will gather at street level, which is the top of the steps. The pink "X" clarifies location.
Baraat location and route relative to the hotel. Pink 'X" is baraat meeting point. Orange square is the hotel. "T" intersection of 1st St. and University St.
Baraat location and route relative to the hotel. Pink 'X" is baraat meeting point. Orange square is the hotel. "T" intersection of 1st St. and University St.