We met at work; he was the boss of my boss. We first shared polite smiles and hellos during our daily coffee breaks. He never said but I'm pretty sure he arranged his breaks to coincide with mine. Lots of coffee, smiles and those polite hellos later, I built up the courage to ask him out for a cup of coffee. I asked if he had a minute to talk, he said yes but looked worried (he thought I was giving my notice), I asked him out for coffee, he smiled and said yes, our first date. A park bench, lattes and a beautiful day, it was going well when he unexpectedly spilled his coffee across his lap, we laughed and then shared our remaining coffee (later admitting he was very nervous). Then there is that moment when you just know, it takes your breath and you know they are the one, the one you want to share in everything from this moment forward. We are as they say, complete opposite that attract! I can't imagine life without the other, we will love one another forever and ever more.