June 22, 2019
Chicago, IL

Andrew & Benton

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Our wedding party isn't really divided into "Andrew's side" and "Benton's side!" Everyone in the party is our good friend, and we're happy they want to stand up next to us as we say our vows.

Andrew Hayworth


Benton Fletcher


Jenna Aronow

Wedding Party

Andrew and Jenna have been friends since college, when a mutual friend introduced them while out to dinner. Jenna convinced Andrew to help her finish packing up her apartment (Andrew was really, really bored that weekend), and they've been friends ever since!

Billy Schmitt

Wedding Party

Billy and Benton met on their college ultimate frisbee team, Darkwing. They became close friends after deciding to split an apartment, and the rest is history!

Amanda Fletcher

Wedding Party

Amanda is Benton's older sister!

Megan Fletcher

Wedding Party

Megan is Benton's younger sister!

Adam Hayworth

Wedding Party

Adam is Andrew's younger brother (youngest of three)!

Caleb Hayworth

Wedding Party

Caleb is Andrew's younger brother (middle of three)!

Dennis Irisarri-Gatewood

Wedding Party

Andrew and Dennis met through a mutual friend, and they went out drinking that night. Honestly, no one really remembers how that night went, but they've been besties ever since. Dennis and Benton met after Andrew started bringing Benton to the "pre-game palace", and Dennis decided that Benton was pretty great, too!

Iñaki Irisarri-Gatewood

Wedding Party

Andrew met Iñaki while out drinking with Dennis (surprise, surprise). After Dennis and Iñaki started dating, he quickly became another best friend - and we're so happy they're both celebrating with us!

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