August 13, 2023
Montgomery, TX

Abigail & Cameron


Cameron Sarage


Abigail Whyte


August 13, 2023

Montgomery, TX

How We Met?

December 20, 2018

Cam and Abby went to Dekaney High School together (2010 – 2014). They did not cross paths until 2014 in statistic class. Abby and Cam were associates; they did not talk much during those times. After they graduated high school, we stayed in contact through Instagram. From 2016 – 2018 Cam would consistently tell Abby “Happy birthday” on Instagram. In 2017, on Abby’s birthday, Cam asked Abby to go out and grab some drinks, but sadly Abby forgot about him. On October 17, 2018, Abby posted a picture of a Jamaican flag on her Instagram and Cam responded to it because he’s Jamaican too. In that moment Cam said to himself “This is my last try to get her attention.” Abby passed the test! They message each other continuously about various things and they connected so well that they decided to meet up during the winter break when Abby came into town from college. On December 20, 2018 Abby and Cam met at 24 Hour Fitness to play basketball. Abby and her friend Phydel walked into the gym and Abby noticed Cam in the corner. As Cam was walking towards Abby and Phydel, Phydel said “OMG! Abby he is cute!! Abby and Cam played few games of 1 on 1, we all know who won; so no need to ask! On January 12, 2022 Cam went to Austin, TX to watch Abby’s basketball game and hung out for the weekend. During that night Cam said to Abby “You my girl and I am your guy, we are together now, we do not talk to anyone else” (Ask Cam why he stated that instead of just asking Abby, it was for a good reason). It took Abby 24 hours to realize that she was in a relationship, but she knows now no worries! The rest is history!

How Did Cameron Propose?

December 24, 2021

It was the day after Christmas of 2020, sitting at home thinking to myself what I could do to make next Christmas even better. I did not want to buy another Louis Vuitton or shoes. Then a thought popped into my head that I should propose (as a joke) but the thought stuck in my head for a few days. On New Year’s Eve, I decided next year on Christmas I am going to propose! The first person I told was her sister, Alecia, AKA, Scrub, to help me decide what ring I should get. Alecia was in school at the time, so it was sometimes difficult for her to help. So, I had to hire some more help and recruit her best friend Kayla to help. May of 2021, Abby informed me we were going to Florida to celebrate Christmas with her family. This was a big hill I had to overcome mentally. Think about it, I’m supposed to propose to Abby with people I had never met before, in her aunt and uncle's house after meeting them the first time. The stress was real; I informed Scrub and told her "I don’t think I can do this!" She told me “You got this!” After thinking and talking to my best friend, Tony about the pressure I was feeling, I knew I had to move on and ask her father for her hand in marriage. August 2021, we went golfing, we talked, hung out, and got to know each other better. That day went well, and I got a lot of insight from him and his thoughts on marriage. It was safe to say I received his blessing! Now December 22, 2021, we were at the airport getting ready to head to Florida. I was texting Tony about the pressure and anxiety I was feeling. Tony texted and said, “Aye I know you got this. It is just another chapter in your life that God has written for you.” When we made it to Florida that night, I meet Abby’s aunt and uncle, I felt a little better. I did have one more thing to do before I proposed. Talk to Abby’s cousin, Chris, as he was bringing his girlfriend over for Christmas. I asked him if he planned to propose to his girlfriend and he said “no.” I told him my plan and he was excited for us and offered to see where Abby's mindset was about being married. I accepted the offer, and he came back to tell me that she seems ready. December 24, 2021, the big day had arrived! We all got dressed in our matching pajamas ate breakfast, took family photos, and played some games. Time was getting closer it was time to open their gifts. I told her that she would have to open her gifts last. Every year Abby and I write heartfelt letters to each other and Christmas of 2020 we were attacked by Abby’s immediate family for not reading them out loud. I told them next year we would read them out loud. As it was getting closer to opening our gifts my heart was sinking further and further in my chest, but I was ready to get it over with. I opened my gifts and read my letter out loud. Now it was Abby’s turn to open her gifts. I tried to keep myself together, but at that point, I couldn’t. Once she finished opening her gifts, she started reading the letter out loud to the family. Anxiety kicked in and it was unbearable. I made sure my sisters were on FaceTime for this big moment. In the letter, I expressed the trials and tribulations we have been through and that there is no one I would rather spend my life with rather than her. Once she got done with her letter, I was right there in front of her and I got on one knee and asked for Abby to hold my hand. She was looking at me crazy for a little bit, but she finally grabbed my hand. I swallowed what felt like my heart and said, “We have come a long way together and we have a long way to go, as we can see from these beautiful examples in this room that marriage isn’t easy but with the Lord, our family and love for each other we can make it happen; so Abigail Regene Whyte will you marry me?” Of course, she said “yes”, and an immediate relief came off my chest! The entire family was so happy and congratulated us!

Fun Facts

- Abby & Cam's Dad have the same birthday - Cam & Abby's Grandpa have the same birthday - Abby & Cam started dating on Abby's mom's birthday - Abby's & Cam's nationality is Jamaican - Cam has 8 siblings - How to pronounce Sarage: - "Sa-r-aa-j"

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