June 6, 2020
Richmond, Virginia

Abie & Brian

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Emily Hewitt

Maid of Honor

My loving, supportive, and kind sister

Kyli Schmitt


My lovee and college best friend

Sabrina Pizarro


My wonderful, hilarious, college best friend

Sarah Pirkle


My college bff and forever my twin

Caroline Kirkland


My astoundingly perfect college roommate

Jennifer Ferrell


My beautiful new sister-in-law

Demetri Walker

Best Man

My friendship with Demetri began when we started working at Grove Avenue Baptist Church and I must say I have never been so close to someone so quickly before in my life. Although just a little darker than me, this great man is literally my brother. He has taught me so much about faith, teaching, loving, passion, serving, leading, and I could never be the person I am today without him! Favorite memories with him are constantly talking about life, sports, and laughing through the pain of life’s craziest moments. Abie never questions who I’m with when I am away from my phone for hours, because she knows when we get together it is some longgggg much needed deep and fun conversations and maybe a show on Roku… or two…

Douglas Robb


I grew up with Douglas almost my entire life. He is the sweetest/goofiest person that has ever walked this planet. Douglas is actually my longest friendship on this groomsmen list and I love him dearly. He is there for his friends, a true gentleman, a gem, one of a kind, and can make trumpet noises with his nose. I love everything about this dude and wish he would hurry up and move to Richmond!! Growing up with Douglas creates so many memories of late-night talks about life, sleepovers, video games, going on runs every Thursday evening in high school, and always rooming with him and Dylan Edwards for church trips. He also loves snakes!

Caleb Davis


NEIGHBORRR. Caleb and I grew up together in youth group and the term “neighbor” is what we would call each other when we found out he and his family were moving close to me back in high school. Although people might have argued that he actually never lived in my neighborhood, we knew we were neighbors at heart and will continue to fight the naysayers. I’m proud of Caleb for all he has done and worked hard for in life and it brings me joy to see his faith always on display no matter where he’s at. I have never met someone that is equally as observant as myself, and just remembering the times we would both notice something stupid or funny further explains that we are the exact same person. Love you neighbor.

Josh Fung


Josh also grew up with me in youth group; however, our relationship got even better when we lived together during undergrad at VCU. Josh and I have a great friendship and have done so much together. Whether it’s staying over at his parent’s farm, working out, attempting to diet together, playing music, and so much more. I think I’ll always remember the conversations we would have at the gym where we just talked about life together. So much goodness there. I literally can be so brutally honest with Josh, and that’s why I enjoy our dynamic where we are playfully insulting to each other.

Jedi Fung


Jedi is someone I instantly connected with. We definitely lovingly compete with one another on everything whether it’s who is better at cooking, who can eat the most, who is stronger(lol), who is better at volleyball and it has allowed me to really love and appreciate Jedi’s strong work ethic! And now he’s a nurse doing amazing things that I could never imagine myself doing. One time going to Cookout with Jedi, my car broke down, and this man not only helped me push it, but also paid for my Cookout meal when my card declined that same night, whatta guy lol. I lived with Jedi for 3 years and I’ve witnessed this dude work multiple night shifts, study for hours upon hours, and still have time to be with his friends being the fun, life-bringing spirit that he is!

Ben Hudson


Where do I begin. Ben has somehow always remained in my life not matter how many changes occur. I grew up with him in youth group, I was with him in a college ministry class at church, I roomed with him for three years during college and every scenario I’ve been in life there’s always been Ben Hudson. When I worked at Grove, Ben was there; when I went on mission trips, Ben was there; when I wanted Cookout at midnight... Ben was there. We’ve had tons of laughs together and I have much love for my homie. Ben’s the type of dude that will not only drive the opposite direction to come pick you up, but he’ll also buy you a meal for no reason other than having a good heart!

Benton Hewitt


Bessan Daou


Michael Melton


Ella Cordrey

Flower Girl