October 16, 2021
Oklahoma City, OK

Ann & Preston


Preston Pearce


Ann Pearce

Oklahoma City


October 16


Our Story...

We wanted to take a few minutes to share our story with you. You’ve all been a part of our story in one way or another and we love & thank you for that. Here is a glimpse of how the last 9 years have gone from our point of view…

College Years

2012 - 2016

We met in 2012 during our freshman year at OU where a mutual friend introduced us in the study room of our dorm. We both remember the first of a few classes we had together, Sociology with Dr. Damphousse. We bumped into each other before class one day and decided to sit together. That day, Ann was asked to get on stage in front of a 300+ student lecture and take a personality test… Ann won over the whole class, but especially Preston! On our first date at BJ’s Brewhouse, Preston dropped his burger patty out of the bun and Ann hardly touched the cup of mac & cheese she ordered as an entree. Needless to say, both of us were nervous but our first date was where we learned about our shared love for Jesus, Christmas lights, family, travel and (country) music. This is also the date that we learned that Ann does NOT like people singing to her in the car. Finally, Preston asked Ann to be his girlfriend in February of 2013. Little did we know what God had in store for us after that “Yes!”. Our favorite things to do together at OU included going to date parties, football games, walks around campus looking for the secret tunnels, drink runs to Classic 50s, queso at the Mont, sneaking onto the football field, go hiking with friends, and “studying” together while Ann distracted Preston.


2016 - 2021

As our time at OU was coming to an end, so was our relationship. We decided not to see each other anymore during our last semester at OU. But as we’ve learned many times, our plans don’t always lineup with God’s plan. We both had jobs lined up for after school. Later, we would find out that those jobs were at the same company in the same city - Denver. As you can imagine, the next few years were challenging as we were working in a 9 person office with our ex. Netflix series to come... We both learned a lot during that time but we are glad that season is behind us. After a few years, we both found other jobs in Denver which strangely enough led us back to one another. Ultimately, it was a “Happy Birthday” text that acted as a fire starter for us in 2019. We started with a few ice cream dates and chit chat which quickly moved to burgers and long conversations. November 2019 was when we made it official once again. Don’t call it a comeback! After a 3 year span without each other, we both knew we weren’t messing around this time. Some of our favorite things to do during our time together in Denver included going to the movies, enjoying a beer at Joyride Brewery, summer concerts, going on hikes, and exploring the mountains. Preston accepted a job back in Oklahoma in March of 2020 - We’ve been doing long-distance for a little over a year now.

The Proposal

Long-distance and a global pandemic can’t stop love! Preston popped the question on 1/16/2021 in Oklahoma City. Ann woke up to flowers and a note leading her on a scavenger hunt that morning. Eventually making her way to downtown Oklahoma City where Preston was waiting for her. A walkway lined with pictures from the last 9 years felt like a perfect setting when deciding to spend the rest of our lives together - oh yeah and the diamond ring didn’t hurt! What a wild ride the last 9 years have been for both of us. We’ve grown so much as individuals and together. We’re so blessed to have God work in our relationship as He has. We wouldn’t be where we are today without our relationship with Him. We’re excited for the season ahead and can’t wait to celebrate with all of you. The Future Pearce’s

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