Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. If you’re no longer able to attend, we completely understand. You can update your RSVP anytime on our site, and we wish you health and safety during this difficult time.
Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. If you’re no longer able to attend, we completely understand. You can update your RSVP anytime on our site, and we wish you health and safety during this difficult time.
April 30, 2021
San Diego, CA

Kim & Victor

    Wedding Party

We are getting married! ... finally, but really FINALLY!

Victor Porras


Kim Lewis


April 30, 2021

San Diego, CA


See you Friday, April 30th, 2021 We canNOT wait!

How it all started...

May 24th, 2011

We met while working at PF Changs. Victor was on his last couple weeks there before leaving for Europe (for 101 days...), Kim was a new transfer from the Mission Viejo PF Changs. As she was training, she refused to eat the duck or the fish, so Victor being the food lover offered to "share", little did Kim know a few years later she would be begging to go to sushi a few times a week, or get the duck for 2 at Born and Raised.

Along The Way...

Through the Years & Around the World

After many funny faces and cute nose shrugs, Victor was able to convert Kim from a Chickie Nuggie Ketchup loving (which is still her guilty pleasure) girl... to a Sushi Loving, Duck Eating, Cricket Trying Woman who craves and embraces travel and many cultures. Through the years, Victor and Kim have travelled to places such as Cuba, Tahiti, New Zealand, Vietnam and soon to Dubai & Seychelles for our honeymoon! (thanks for helping us get there) Victor has had a travel bug his whole life, and took his first solo travel trip when he was just 17. He couldn't wait to start sharing these experiences with Kim. He quickly learned that he loved traveling and creating beautiful and fun memories with Kim. He found his travel partner for life. Now our goal to take a few trips a year (more if we have puppy sitters) ... We usually aim to take 2-3 domestic trips and 1 large international trip every year. It has become who we are, and had helped us grow so much as a couple. Our future looks Spontaneous and full of Adventure! We can't wait to continue to share with all of you!

The Proposal

New York, New York

Victor had a surprise trip planned for Kim (which was spoiled...we won't name names....). We got to New York on a stormy morning only to have Victor stress all day about the Helicopter flight/proposal that he had been planning for over 6 months. To his disappointment, the helicopter flight was cancelled due to inclement weather, but he was determined to still propose on that day (mainly because he didn't want the ring in his backpack anymore, can you imagine if he lost it?!). So with the help of our great friend, photographer, videographer, fellow foodie, and groomsman Mike Aguilar, we then changed the location of the proposal to the Queensboro Bridge. The bridge holds a very special place in Kim's heart just as New York does in Victors. So, on a very nervous and emotional walk across the New York City bridge Victor pulled the ring out of his backpack and made his "move". ***Disclaimer, he forgot to use Kimberly's middle name, Elizabeth, which she still gives him a hard time about*** Besides that fact, the proposal was perfect and successful in creating a beautiful memory in a city of many emotions. The silver lining, Victor and Kim still got to do their "'Victor'y Lap" in the helicopter around New York City the following day where he gave her, her "50 shades of Grey moment" :)

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For all the days along the way
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