
Jacqueline & Jason

    Wedding Party

We're throwing a wedding!


Jason McCloud


Jacqueline McCloud


July 5, 2024

Hayloft on the Arch, Vernon Center, NY
31 days31 d20 hours20 h58 minutes58 min48 seconds48 s

I bet you're asking yourself how we got here....

First comes love, then comes marriage isn't really our style.

We're a couple of pretty unconventional people, and our relationship is no exception. Doing things "by the book" isn't how we operate. Where's the fun in that? First comes Love Jason and Jacqueline were both stationed at Fort Irwin, CA, and that's where their story began. Early in 2003 they met, and from there their lives would never be the same. Jacqueline can still remember the first time she laid eyes on Jason, walking through the door in a hockey jersey (naturally) and ripped jeans. Even though they were almost 5 years apart, that didn't really matter to them. Then comes ... Baby? It wasn't long before everything changed. Jacqueline soon found out that she was pregnant, and was terrified to tell Jason! When she did, he declared that he was in it for the long haul, and he wasn't going anywhere. He stuck around, and in December 2003, Connor was born, making them a family of 3. THEN comes Marriage Jason had wanted to get married earlier, but Jacqueline didn't really think it was a good idea. She was scared that they had been together such a short time and that it just wouldn't work out. But one night as she sat by the light of the Christmas tree, holding Connor, she began to feel differently. They talked, and on January 5th, 2004, they were married in a small ceremony in Las Vegas. Since it was such short notice, only 7 people attended; Bob, Tina, Mary, Ed, Lydia, Patty, and Connor. They promised each other that they would have a big family wedding.... someday. But someday kept getting pushed further and further away. Jason deployed in 2004, while Jacqueline was pregnant again, with Haiden. Luckily, he was able to be there for Haiden's birth, but left again shortly after (10 days!). When he returned, the family then moved to Fort Hood, TX, where they spent the next 5 years. There was a second deployment, this time for both of them. If you ever want to test your marriage, live with your spouse in a shipping container for 15 months, in a combat zone, with live ammunition! After surviving that, nothing could stop them! Jacqueline finished her service in 2009, and Jason in 2011. Since Texas wasn't for them, they searched for somewhere else to continue their adventure. Since Jason was offered a job in his hometown of Huron, SD, that's where they headed off to next. They lived there for the next 11 years, working hard and making a civilian life together. Their lives were filled with all sorts of amazing things: hockey, camping, home improvements, and family time. But still, someday never came. In 2022, just after they finished a major home renovation, Jason came home one day with a question for Jacqueline, "Do you want to move to New York?" Jacqueline just took it as a joke and they both had a good laugh over it. A couple weeks later Jason asked the question again, but more serious. He had been offered a job close to where Jacqueline grew up, and this was their chance to start another chapter in their crazy lives. So, exactly 2 weeks after Connor graduated, they packed all their belongings and were on their way to NY! FINALLY comes the Wedding There was never really a proposal in the beginning, but on their 19th anniversary, Jason changed that. He got down on one knee in a restaurant, with a (bigger and better!) ring in a box, and asked Jacqueline to marry him! She couldn't believe it, and of course said YES!!! They talked about it, and decided FINALLY after 20 years it was time for a wedding! Since a winter wedding isn't really ideal, they decided to get married on their 20 1/2 anniversary; July 5, 2024. With friends and family, new and old, they can't wait to celebrate the joining of their families on this special day.

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