Our wedding day would not have been the same without all who were able to attend. We very much appreciate all your love and support.
Our wedding day would not have been the same without all who were able to attend. We very much appreciate all your love and support.
July 2, 2022
Orléans, France

Kelly & Frank

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

Christen "Teten" Kugener

Maid of Honor

Hard to call you anything else but Teten, nickname I gave you as a toddler... I must have been under 10 (or even a baby?) when the sisters decided who would be whose Maid of Honor, and I wouldn't want it any other way. My big sister, you have always been basically a second Mom to me. You were the only one courageous enough feed me as a baby and then clean up my throw up (still sorry about that...) You are one of the first person I call for advice, I am so lucky to have you by my side in life and on my wedding day!

Dani McMillin

Best Woman

Dani. I have not known you for a lot of my life, but you have always treated my with the kindness and respect of Family. Let's face it... you know too much about me and I have to keep you on your toes. You are my best wo-MAN because you have been my closest friend for most of the time I have known you, and that goes to how much I appreciate you as a genuine and thoughtful human. You know I have the best taste in dresses, and I am happy you trust my taste. I am lucky to have you in my life and I am so glad I am in yours!

Erika Kerduff

Maid of Honor

Ma meilleure amie depuis nos 7 ans, impossible de me marier sans toi près de moi. Finalement, c'est impossible de faire quoique ce soit sans ta présence... De nos aventures dans le Gers jusqu’à mon gala de fin d’étude, on ne peut pas faire l’une sans l’autre. Une amitié comme la nôtre est très rare et elle arrive à survivre une sacrée distance ! Toujours sûre de se voir dès que possible, même à New York s’il le faut, je suis si fière de t’avoir dans ma vie.

Jerry McMillin

Best Man

Jerry. You are always the fun and fire when we get together. I appreciate and love all you do as friend, and I think I will always consider you family. Here again, you know too much about me and I cannot let you stray too far away. I am excited to have you be a part of my wedding as I was to be part of yours.

Sophie Bernabé


Soph, je pense que tu es une grande raison de pourquoi je suis comme je suis, non seulement en apparence : tu es la sœur qui m'a appris comment me maquiller, me coiffer et même quels vêtements m'iraient le mieux. Mais aussi de ma curiosité, tu m’as appris la mythologie grecque, Maupassant et surtout le droit international privé ! J’ai très hâte de mettre en avant à mon mariage tous nos pas de danses perfectionnés ensemble dans le passé durant des soirées improvisés rempli de fou rires!

Emmanuel "Eman" Velasco


If you could only smell some of the adventures we have been on you would understand how epic they were. Righteous road trips, bad karaoke, and yes, some of the most tragic hangovers experienced by humankind. I have really had some of my best experiences in the past 10 years with you, and I owe you so much for being so generous with our friendship. You were such an important conduit for where my life wound up, and you really are one of my best friends. We are so happy to have you be part of my wedding.

Lauren "Lolo" Bernabé


Lolo, je pense que je te ressemble le plus... (tu as probablement raison de m’appeler Mini Me quand tu ne m'appelles pas Doo). J’ai beaucoup de chance d’avoir une sœur comme toi, tu as toujours su comment me sortir de ma zone de confort: soit en me rassurant, soit en y allant avec moi ou soit en me faisant réaliser à quel point je suis ridicule (cette option finit généralement en fou rire).

Eric Castaldo


Eric. You are someone who I both appreciate and admire, and always look forward to our next adventure. Whether it be hiking Glaciers in Iceland, kayaking the Sound, or romping LA Drum and Bass shows, you always know how to bring a party and have a great time no matter the circumstances. I think that is part of what makes you a special person. I am so glad I get to have you involved in my wedding!

Sarah Hanna


Who knew I needed another sister? I sure didn't, 3 seemed like enough... And then I met you! I am so proud and honored to be a part of your life and your family. From our late night conversations to you being Hugo's Tia, I honestly cant see my future without you having a big part in it. I am so excited for you to come to France with us and that I get to share all of these new European experiences with you. But mostly I am beyond thrilled to have you by my side on my wedding day!

Geremy Godsey


Geremy. Our man dates have always been some of my favorite times in San Diego and absolutely legendary. As someone who also appreciates good music, good food, and good drink, we have always really connected on the greater things in life. You've been my go-to drinking buddy and rock and roll aficionado. I had no doubt that you are one of my best dudes and I appreciate you. We are so happy to have you be a part of our wedding.

Daryl Moore


It is crazy how you meet some people and you just have the same references, same humor and just same everything with, you are that one person to me. From that day where you understood my Wizard of Oz quote, I knew that we were going to be great friends, turns out I was wrong, you are clearly my best friend! How can I not have you at my wedding when you were there for every step of my relationship with Frank, we were even all roommates!

Pari Sanati


Pari. There have been so many instances where I can truly say I appreciate you as a human. I think we connect on a level that so many don't - As humans making our way through California life as kids of middle-eastern parents. I think we have always vibed on this level. You have given me advice and called me stupid when needed (which is often). You are really the second sister I now realize I always wanted.

For all the days along the way
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