Save the Date! Caroline and Josh are tying the knot! Join us as we say 'I do' and celebrate love, laughter, and happily ever after! Formal invitation and details to follow. Stay tuned!
Save the Date! Caroline and Josh are tying the knot! Join us as we say 'I do' and celebrate love, laughter, and happily ever after! Formal invitation and details to follow. Stay tuned!
June 8, 2024
Shelby, NC

Caroline & Joshua


Thank you for being a part of our love story. We can't wait to celebrate with you!


Joshua Cowley


Caroline Gettys

June 8, 2024

Shelby, NC
6 days6 d11 hours11 h45 minutes45 min8 seconds8 s

How We Met

June 2022

When I (Caroline) moved into my house in March 2022, I found someone off NextDoor to mow my lawn. That someone was Milton Turner, Josh's long-time best friend (and the Best Man at our wedding!) I asked Milton to help me build a fence for the backyard, and he brought Josh with him for help. We became pretty close friends trying to get that fence into the ground over the next few months, and my daughter Adelaide developed a special bond with Josh, probably because of his playful and silly nature. It wasn't long before he was coming over early every morning to pack her school bag and help me get us both out the door, then coming over again after I got home from work to spend even more time with us. We fell in love during late nights watching movies together and talking about what we wanted in our lives, realizing pretty quickly that we had such similar visions for our future. He fit into our family so seamlessly and now we can't imagine life without him!

The Proposal


A lesser known fact about the two of us is that The Melting Pot has been our favorite restaurant for years, even before we knew each other and started going together for date nights. Needless to say, we have celebrated all of our milestones here and shared countless smiles, laughs, and memories here throughout our relationship. It was only natural for Josh to propose here too! You can imagine my surprise when, expecting a typical date night, we were led to a private dining area we had never sat at before, and awaiting us was a table decorated with rose petals, a vase of fresh roses, champagne, and chocolate covered strawberries. We had an amazing dinner together, talking about our relationship and how much we've grown and changed throughout it. When it was time for dessert, the waitress brought me a plate adorned with chocolate script that said "Will you marry me?" and a gorgeous ring in a blue velvet box. Of course, the answer was an immediate "YES!" followed up with a kiss and an embrace. We are so excited and can't wait to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with our friends and family. See you in June!

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