July 13, 2019
Los Angeles, CA

Lexi & Evan

Green palmGreen palm



How far is Santa Monica from LAX airport? How far is Downtown or Hollywood from LAX airport?


The drive from LAX to Downtown Santa Monica is 9 miles and takes anywhere from 25 min to an hour depending on time of day. The drive from LAX to Downtown Los Angeles is 18 miles and can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the time of day. The drive from LAX to Hollywood is 14 miles and can take about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the time of day.


How far is Carondelet House from Santa Monica? How far is Carondelet House from Downtown or Hollywood?


Carondelet House is roughly 15 miles from Santa Monica and should take approximately 45 minutes with average traffic the evening of the wedding. Carondelet House is about 6 miles from Hollywood and can take about 20-30 minutes. Carondelet House is about 2 miles from Downtown Los Angeles and takes about 10 minutes to get there.


What is the weather like in Los Angeles in July?


Do you even need to ask? Plan on 80 degrees and sunny, with a light sea breeze by the beach. Basically... perfect. If you're staying in Hollywood or Downtown, it may be warmer.


How will I get around Los Angeles? Is there Public Transportation?


Los Angeles is no doubt a car town. If you are planning to go all over the City, we recommend renting a car, which will give you maximum mobility. If you do not want to rent a car, Uber and Lyft are widely available here. In addition, if you are traveling back and forth between Santa Monica and Downtown, there is a light rail option, called the Metro Expo Line, https://www.metro.net/riding/paid_parking/expo-line/. Public transportation here is kind of limited, so please consult maps before heading out on Metro.


Is there parking at the wedding venue?


Yes, directly nextdoor to the venue is a parking structure that costs $9 per car.


Are kids invited to the wedding?


We love children, but this is an adult event. If you are coming in with your kids from out of town and need help arranging a babysitter, please let us know!


What should I wear to the wedding?


This is not a black tie event, so we suggest cocktail attire. For men, a sports jacket and pants or a suit. For ladies, anything you would wear to a fun night out on the town or a nice dinner. Although it is July and will be warm, part of our venue is outdoors, so if you tend to get chilly when the sun goes down, bring a light shawl or sweater.