Cook's Ice Cream Cart


About Cook's Ice Cream Cart

Cook's Ice Cream Cart


Cook's Ice Cream Cart is a premier dessert catering and food-truck company serving the Chicago area. Available for private parties, ice cream socials, weddings, fundraisers, festivals and corporate outings, a custom ice cream experience is a fun addition to your next special event. Our customization options allow every guest to create a treat as unique as they are! Have your cake and eat ice cream, too!


Services offered

  • Consultations
  • Delivery
  • Setup
  • Tastings

Dietary accommodations

  • Gluten-free

Cook's Ice Cream Cart packages

Bridal Ice Cream Cart Service



An unforgettable addition to your big day, our customized ice cream cart service and sundae toppings bar ensures your guests that they get their perfect dessert at your wedding!


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1 review

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  • Events Manager

    Verified review
    Brett BurkeAug 26, 2020

    Cook's Ice Cream is simply the best! You won't find a more affordable and cute ice cream cart for life's celebrations! Working with the team at Cook's is always simple and flexible. I highly recommend Cook's Ice Cream Cart!